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Brand Vs Branding

Learn the difference between brand vs branding vs brand strategy. Combine all three to create an exceptional brand every time.

Brand Vs Branding

If you are new to the branding and marketing world, it can get confusing about what means what!

Although "Branding" is a blanket statement for most of the content surrounding the industry, the difference between a brand and branding is there and we need to talk about it!

So let's dive into the differences of the two and figure out how they work together.

1. What is a Brand?

What is a brand?

A Brand is the embodiment of a business: the internal values, beliefs, and perceptions that drive the actions of the company in its marketing efforts.

You can break this down into the internal aspects of the business.

A Brand is the feeling, meaning, and connection that customers experience when interacting with the business.

Just as the Rolex brand represents status or as the Apple brand represents creativity.

Your "Brand" should be a core feeling or value customers can relate to.

2. What is Branding?

What is branding?

Branding, on the other hand, is the external portrayal of the brand.

This is everything from the visuals and imagery used by the business all the way over to the logo and colour palette.

Branding is used to create the feeling the business wants to get across to its customers.

For example, you can picture the brand as the brain of a person and branding is the face, voice, and body.

A customer won't know what your values and beliefs are as a business until you can show them.

3. How Do They Work Together?

Brand Vs Branding

Having a Brand without Branding will create a brand that fails to create the right emotions in potential customers and leave them confused about your values as a business.

Having Branding without a Brand will seem shallow and generic. It is very hard to show expertise and professionalism when you have no foundation for your branding efforts.

A good example of this is online dropshipping stores dedicated to making sales only. They have an odd logo and unfinished identity which makes customers forget the brand immediately after purchase.

So, combining the two will give your brand depth and connection that fosters customer loyalty and increases retention.

4. Yet we are missing a step.

Brand Vs Branding

Although the combination of brand and branding may look strong, we are still missing a key step that will attract customers to your brand.

You know what your values are and how to show it.

Yet you don't know who the correct people to show it to will be?

This is where the third pillar of branding fits.

5. Brand Strategy

brand strategy

Brand strategy is fundamental in connecting your brand with the right audience.

Your brand should not be for everyone.

The magic of branding is that you can shape your brand around a key target audience that will want to buy the services you provide.

6. What is Brand Strategy?

what is brand strategy

Brand Strategy works to get across your brand values in the correct way to the correct people.

You can do this through customer experience channels, storytelling, brand messaging, reviews, feedback, and more.

This step is crucial to get the most out of your brand.

7. The 3 Pillars

Brand Vs Branding Vs Brand Strategy

To recap:

Brand: Is the embodiment of a business: the internal values, beliefs, and perceptions that drive the actions of the company in its marketing efforts.

Branding: Is the external portrayal of the brand.

This is everything from the visuals and imagery used by the business all the way over to the logo and color palette.

Strategy: Works to get across your brand values in the correct way to the correct people.

You can do this through customer experience channels, storytelling, brand messaging, reviews, feedback, and more.

8. Execute to perfection

Brand Vs Branding

The secret that separates global brands from local businesses is their attention to perfecting the brand.

These companies spend millions making sure all areas of their branding are working to complement one another without confusing the customers.

So make sure all areas of your brand are complete and clear, and you will be able to build a strong reputation in the long term.

So how does your brand look to your customers?

Each area I have covered today is a very detailed topic that takes time to learn.

But knowing what each area now does for your branding efforts, you are a step closer to unlocking a deeper connection with your customers.

If you want more branding tips that have helped me create timeless brands, I have an ebook that you might like to check out!

200 brand tips Be Giant

Thank you for reading this article

Benjamin Pearson | Founder

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